Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Kemelman, Harry -- Wednesday the Rabbi Got Wet

Titles can be catchy, and for someone who had never heard of the "Rabbi" in the mystery world, I was intrigued. I ventured to carry the unique book on flight and managed to shut myself off it. Later, I did venture reading the book.

Here is what you will gain from the book: You will learn a bit about Judaism, that is, if you are uninitiated.

It may also help you roll your eyes over Christians being referred to as "Gentiles". Considering how close the word comes to another word, this can sometimes just be plain funny.

The book itself is a ramble of about 280 some pages on small print, paperback and it is a wonder that I was able to get through the yarn.

The plot is thin, there is no humor, almost no investigation, and the criminal has really got no brains. Nor do most characters in the novel. One may be compelled to ask similar disturbing questions about the existence of even residual intelligence in the author, and more so, the publisher.

And the "Rabbi" is a really dull character!

Rating: 2/5

Recommendation: Read, if someone has a gun pointed at you.